How To Get HIRED!

FREE MASTERCLASS for those impacted by the Tech downturn! 

 1) How to get HIRED -  Mid Level prof. & IC's           2) Ace your Interview  

Experienced professionals (IC - Executives) ... if you are you getting no calls to interview? Hitting a dead-end with interviews? Or perhaps, there's no job offer in sight?

Let's change that, today!

Step 1. Develop an irresistible resume & LinkedIn profile
Step 2. Nurture a network that results in your next job
Step 3.  Ace your next interview 

Let's Get Started, Today!

Online Coaching programs that will position you as a Top Candidate!

Let me guide you though my highly successful 3-Step Job Search MasterCourse.

How to Get Hired! (3-Part MasterCourse)

Comprehensive, engaging, & effective online  coaching program for motivated, proactive professionals who want to GET HIRED!

Part 1: Learn to write a STELLAR resume & optimize your LinkedIn profile so your dream job comes to you.  

Part 2: Learn how to Network like a Pro!

Part 3: Learn how to Ace your next Interview 

*FREE* for IC & Mid Level Professionals

Ace the Interview with Confidence

 Are you ready to be the one who get the job offer?

Learn how to anticipate and prepare for interview questions, and hone your communication skills and body language.

Also learn how to negotiate for the most competitive salary. 

Join Saoirse today and follow her plan, and you will Ace the interview & get Hired!

FREE 4 YOU Today!


Advance Your Career in the San Francisco Bay Area Tech Community

Don't send in another resume without reviewing this Tip Sheet, if you want to get the interview! Plus, get access to our monthly newsletter filled with with job search advice and tips so you can Get HIRED! Get advice you can execute on today.

Saoirse (Seersha) Downey is the Founder of
Treasure Career Counseling

Saoirse has helped hundreds of people advance their careers in the Bay Area tech community! Proudly featured in:

"As I looked to move from a Product Manager role to UX Designer, Saoirse redeveloped my resume so it highlighted the most relevant experience and the customization tutorials were super easy to follow. The results were immediate, more replies and callbacks. I was also able prepare fully for the phone and in-person interview, getting further in the interview process, and ultimately, getting hired! "

Sr. UX Designer, Equinix

"After taking a leave of absence from a high-flying career, Saoirse's tutorials, and straight forward directions helped me rewrite my resume & LI profile. Saoirse also provided clear step by step directions and a playbook to follow to broaden my network land the opportunities Iโ€™m cut out for. "

Design Executive, Huawei Technologies

"I was very pleased with Saoirse's coaching style (very hands on) and the 'Ace Your Interview' Master Course. The video tutorials were great and easy to follow. The exercises and Tip Sheets provided a great framework to prepare in advance for my interview. The mock interview with Saoirse was super helpful. Her advice was spot-on and very insightful. I aced my next interview & got the job offer."

Sr. Channel Partner Marketing Manager, Amazon

"Saoirse gave a me a lot of helpful, constructive feedback. After our 1:1 strategy session armed with the personalized plan she developed, I worked through the video tutorials in Craft'n Customize an Irresistible Resume. They were easy to follow and super effective. I wanted to learn how to write a resume and more importantly how to customize it, so I got the interviews I wanted! I highly recommend her if you want a resume, cover letter & LI profile that will get you the interviews you want!"

Office Manager, Text 100

"Saoirse's coaching program 'How to get Hired!' provided me with a new understanding of the job searching world. With my newly developed resume, optimized LinkedIn profile, and fine-tuned interview skills, I was able to find a great position. Saoirse knows her stuff, tells it like it is, and is committed to your success."

Creative Account Director, BrightTalk

"After 6+years at the same company, I was ready to move back into a larger organization but did not how to position my experience to attract the companies I was most interested in joining or even what those roles were called at these companies. I also needed help developing my network and preparing for interviews. With Saoirse's online tutorials and above-and-beyond help (always available for quick Qs or intros where appropriate), I landed a GREAT role in a company that I had been following for some time. I'm delighted with the outcome and I actively encourage all of my job-seeking friends to reach out to Saoirse."

Sr. Manager, Business Operations, Intercom

"Working with Saoirse and Treasure Career Counseling couldn't have been a better experience. As a ten year entrepreneur who recently exited a business, I was in need of guidance on how to properly pivot my career. Saoirse's coaching provided a personalized path for me to follow, while the supporting Tutorials from How To Get Hired! guided me step by step as I customized my new Master Resume. My LinkedIn Profile was much clearer, and I continue to build and nurtured my network (which resulted in my next job!!). How To Get Hired! and Saoirse' coaching gave me ALL the tools necessary to land my next role. I would highly recommend the course and working with Saoirse."

Director Operations, WorldWide Cyclery

"I came to Saoirse as a referral from a colleague in the high-tech industry (who found a job within 4 weeks after meeting with Saoirse). What I learned after working with Saoirse and her coaching program is the importance of using key words and language from the job description to develop my resume. Saoirse is very diligent in her approach -- and her step-by-step instructions work! By completing her course (which includes 1:1 coaching), I gave myself the right tools and focus to craft "stories" that matched key job responsibilities. I landed a consulting gig within 3 weeks of completing the course, which ultimately resulted in FT job offer. Saoirse also guided me on negotiating my salary too. Call her. Sheโ€™ll help you too."

Sr. Manager, Global Partner Marketing, Equinix

"I'm so incredibly thankful for Saoirse's time and coaching. After taking over 10 years off raising my boys, I wanted to return to the workforce. Before calling Saoirse, I was getting no positive reply's, although I had sent in many resumes. After working with Saoirse, I began to target specific types of organizations. She crafted my resume so it highlighted my experience, yet explained my 10-year absence in a super positive light. Within days of my next outreach, I was called for three interviews. That would not have happened without Saoirse's help. I landed my next job offer within the next week!"

Staff Accountant, Olivela

Exclusive Top 12 Resume Tips to Write an Irresistible Resume!

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